Natural Foods and Habits to Eliminate Anxiety

Table of Contents

What exactly is anxiety?

Anxiety is a situation where your body is locked in the fight or flight state.

This is where your nerves are overstimulated because of fear and worry.

3 common symptoms of anxiety

  1. Overthinking and a constant stream of mental chatter.
  2. Feeling overwhelmed with small tasks in life.
  3. Struggling to sleep soundly at night due to excessive thoughts keeping you awake.

My personal experience with anxiety

Anxiety is something that I’ve personally suffered from for years. It is usually caused by suppressed emotions and high levels of stress hormones.

Fortunately, I’ve developed the ability to calm down my nervous system and turn off anxiety. This has also helped keep my blood pressure, blood sugars, and hormones under control.

In this article, I’ll share with you the foods containing nutrients that nourish the adrenal glands, the brain, and the nervous system. These foods can help turn off the fear response associated with anxiety.

A  reminder: This article is for educational purposes only. Please consult with a doctor or mental health professional if you’re under a lot of stress.

Foods that Turn Off Anxiety

1. Lemon Balm Tea

The first item on the list is Foods that Turn Off Anxiety called Lemon Balm. If you’re experiencing anxiety, brain fog, or nervousness, lemon balm is one of the best herbal remedies available. Simply drink one cup of freshly brewed lemon balm tea on a daily basis.

You’ll notice a wave of relaxation come over you within an hour, which can last all day. Lemon balm contains natural ingredients that trigger the release of GABA in your brain, a neurotransmitter that calms down overstimulated nerves, helping your body and mind to relax and feel peaceful.

2. Chicken Broth

Food number two is chickenChicken broth. Using a slow cooker or an oven on low heat, cook some pasteurized chicken on the bone for 8 hours with water, vegetables, and herbs of your choice.

Eat your chicken stew or drink the broth at least twice per week. Chicken broth contains glycine and proline amino acids that help to calm down the stress response in the body and improve sleep at night, turning off that anxious feeling.

3. Pumpkin Seeds

Food number three is pumpkinPumpkin seeds. When you’re anxious, muscles throughout your body get tighter, especially around the neck and shoulders. In order to relax these tense muscles and pull stress out of the body, begin eating 1 to 2 ounces of organic pumpkin seeds each day.

These seeds are loaded with magnesium, a calming mineral that helps relax your muscles and turn off the stress response. Additionally, they contain tryptophan, which can help reset your sleep and wake cycles.

4. Nutritional yeast

Food number four is nutritionalNutritional yeast. One of the most effective remedies for stress is eating three tablespoons of nutritional yeast per day.

You can incorporate this into a soup, broth, salad, stir-fry, or yogurt. This deactivated yeast is loaded with B vitamins, especially B1, which is absorbed quickly and brings the autonomic nervous system into balance, turning off the fight-or-flight response and relaxing the body.

5. Kefir

Moving on to number five, which is Kefir, Your gut is home to over 100 trillion friendly microbes, which are crucial for producing B vitamins and neurotransmitters that keep your nervous system calm, relaxed, and balanced.

To replenish this bacteria, start eating kefir and other fermented foods containing live probiotics. You could also take a probiotic supplement to help achieve this balance.

6. Grass-Fed Beef

Next on the list is grass-fedGrass-Fed beef. When stressed or anxious for a long period of time, blood sugars stay high, potentially causing damage to your nerves.

Eating quality grass-fed beef steaks supplies B vitamins, Omega-3s, zinc, and B12, essential for repairing nerve damage caused by stress or high blood sugars. Try eating 6 ounces of beef every day for one week and notice how your stress levels quickly come down.

7. Mushrooms

Food six is mushrooms. Mushrooms act as adaptogens, helping the body respond and adapt to different types of stress and promoting relaxation. Lion’s mane, Reishi, and Shiitake are well-studied mushrooms that contain bioactive compounds promoting nerve growth factors.

These factors help nerves heal and regenerate, and mushrooms are also loaded with B vitamins and vitamin D2, which calm anxiety by lowering cortisol.

8. Artichoke

Number seven is Artichoke. If you don’t eat many leafy greens and have some gut damage, this could trigger anxiety.

Vegetables rich in prebiotics, like artichoke, chicory root, garlic, and onions, can feed friendly microbes in your gut. These microbes produce more B vitamins and acetylcholine, helping calm anxiety.

9. Avocados

The final item on the list is very powerful – it’s avocados. powerful—it’sEat at least two avocados per week to stabilize your blood sugars and help control strong emotions. Avocado pulp is rich in oleic acid, which is used by brain cells to send signals through your nervous system.

Avocados are also rich in potassium and magnesium, which help control blood sugar, keeping your mood more stable and relaxed.

Refined foods and the anxiety connection

Moving on to the connection between refined foods and anxiety:

Take note of how, after consuming sugar, bread, refined foods, or soda, you may feel worse after a short time. These foods rob the body of key nutrients like B vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it harder for your nervous system to relax.

Pay close attention to which foods trigger you and make you feel worse, and eliminate these from your diet. This alone has helped many individuals get a handle on their emotions.

Pushing Through vs. Allowing Relaxation

focusing my Pushing through vs. allowing relaxation thoughts: stop pushing through. You may also want to take some extra steps to really fix the other root problems of anxiety in your life so that you can unlock a more permanent state of peace.

We’re all very busy in the modern world, and it’s often tempting to push through anxiety as we all have things to do and places to be. However, eventually, this pushing through can lead to the rebound of depression and major health problems in the long term.

But taking an hour each day to focus on relaxation and calm down your body can help you gain an enormous amount of mental focus and joy. You’ll start to get more things done without the need to push through, and your daily activities will become more enjoyable and flow more effortlessly as you become more creative and organized in solving different problems.

Lifestyle Lifestyle tips to eliminate anxiety

Tips to eliminate anxiety Let’s take a look at the additional steps that I’ve personally used that will help to keep anxiety at bay permanently.

1. could take out stimulants and caffeine from their diet as much as they can, like coffee, tea, and soda drinks. energy drinks and sugar The caffeine found in these foods raises cortisol, depletes vitamin B1, and makes your anxiety much worse.

2. Limit your social media exposure to a maximum of 45 minutes per day, as these feeds bombard your mind with too much information. Use a screen-time-limiting app to help you build this new habit.

3. Drink herbal teas that boost Garba to replace some of your usual drinks, like Valerian root lemon Bal passion, flour, lavender, peppermint, and rosemary boost Garber. These drinks inhibit excitement and fear in the nervous system.

4. Get more physical activity outside and start taking slow walks in nature for at least 45 minutes per day in a park or in an area where there’s lots of trees and plants. Essential oils released from trees and a steady stream of oxygen can calm down your nervous system and turn off the fight or flight.

5. Finally, to truly overcome anxiety, you need to start getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night consistently. To do this, I’d recommend going to bed an hour earlier, turning off your phone, and focusing on relaxing each muscle in your body until you drift off. If you find that you’re overthinking, simply visualize each thought as a bubble floating away into the distance. Eventually, the thoughts will begin to slow down, and you’ll feel more peaceful.

Don’t ever try to force sleep; however, allow it to happen when it’s ready. Over time, this will gradually balance out your cortisol levels, helping you to achieve a deeper sleep and a healthier overall body, although food is always best. There are also natural supplements available that can help ease anxiety.

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